Archive for April, 2024

Default Folder X 6.0.6: Fixing what broke in the last release 🙄

Friday, April 19th, 2024

So, in the last release of Default Folder X I added a somewhat complex (and relatively slow) feature to determine the correct name, location and icon for the Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive and Box Drive folders. It was only intended to be used for the top-level folders, so its slower speed wasn’t really an issue – it’s used infrequently.

But (there’s always a “but”, right?) when I deployed this new code within Default Folder X, it was inadvertently being called for every file and folder on any of those services. What resulted was a significant slow-down in Default Folder X’s menus, Quick Search, and any other place that the user-facing “display names” of items were shown in bulk (though only if the items happened to reside within one of those cloud services’ folders, so some of you may not have noticed an impact at all). Version 6.0.6 fixes this bug, and I even made that new code faster as well.

In addition, with some learnings gleaned from dealing with OneDrive again, I also remedied a long-standing problem with Microsoft Word. When you’re editing a document that’s stored in OneDrive, Word doesn’t internally represent that document as being on the local machine, but instead references it via a cloud-based URL. That caused problems for Default Folder X’s “default to the current document’s folder” feature, because as far as Word is concerned, there is no folder for that document on the Mac you’re using – it’s in the cloud.

With this release, Default Folder X translates Word’s OneDrive URL back into a location in the OneDrive folder on your Mac, so the “default to the current document’s folder” feature now works correctly.

Anyway, if you’re already running Default Folder X, just select “Check for Update” from its menu to get the new version. If not, you can download it and read the release notes on the Default Folder X What’s New page. And yes, the update is free if you’ve already bought a Default Folder X 6 license (thank you!).

Default Folder X 6.0.5: Better handling of cloud-synced folders, pasting paths into Quick Search, a smarter Finder drawer, Alfred 5 support, and more

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Version 6.0.5 of Default Folder X is now available, delivering a number of new features and fixes for our award winning utility for navigating macOS Open and Save dialogs and the Finder.

We’ll need a little digression here to explain the first change. “File Provider” based cloud services such as OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive and Box all create their synced folders in a hidden location within your Library folder (in ~/Library/CloudStorage/ to be precise). The Finder then represents them the same way it does iCloud Drive, as disembodied “Locations” in the sidebar and in its “Go” menu.

In previous releases, Default Folder X would show these cloud service folders in their real locations. For example, Dropbox would be in ~/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/. While that’s accurate and arguably helpful at times, it wasn’t consistent with what you saw in the Finder, so it could be confusing for some folks. Version 6.0.5 of Default Folder X corrects this by mimicking what the Finder does. Cloud services are now shown as top-level locations, rather than being contained within the CloudStorage folder.

A less confusing change in Default Folder X 6.0.5 is the ability to paste a whole path into the Quick Search window. This does exactly what you think it’d do – it takes you to that location. If you’re using a file dialog, the dialog will switch to show the files and folders at that location. If you’re not, Quick Search will open that folder or file in the Finder. Pretty straightforward and very quick if you’re a person that’s dealing with paths a lot.

In addition, Default Folder X’s Finder drawer and Drag Zone now “follow” files and folders that you’ve dragged into them. If you add a folder to the drawer, then later rename it or drag it to a new location, the reference to it in the drawer will still work. Previously, Default Folder X would just remove the item from the drawer or drag zone once it could no longer find it at its previous location and / or name (which was admittedly kinda lame if you left stuff in the drawer for long periods).

There are also a number of bug fixes, plus improved compatibility with QSpace and Alfred.

You can get full details on the Default Folder X release page, or by choosing “Check for Update” if you’re already running Default Folder X. This update is free if you’ve purchased a license or upgrade for Default Folder X 6. If you’re still running Default Folder X 5.7.8 or earlier, there’s an upgrade fee that’s detailed on the Default Folder X Upgrades page.

Jettison 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 deliver numerous improvements and fixes

Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Two new releases of Jettison, our little utility for ejecting external disks when your Mac sleeps, have delivered a host of changes. Outwardly, Jettison no longer shows hidden volumes like Update and Macintosh HD – that will reduce confusion. It also lets you quickly open a disk in the Finder by holding down the Command key (the “Eject” menu becomes “Open”). And error messages are more informative.

Under the hood, there are bigger changes which eliminate problems when the system wakes and then goes back to sleep very shortly thereafter, it handles unlocking of encrypted drives much better, and performs numerous other disk-handling operations more smoothly.

A full list of the changes in versions 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 is available on the Jettison release page, or by choosing “Check for Update” if you’re already running Jettison on your Mac.