Archive for January, 2020

Go64 1.1.1 refines its detection of Catalina-incompatible 32-bit apps

Thursday, January 30th, 2020

Go64 version 1.1.1 is now available. It’s a minor update that fixes a bug that could result in Go64 reporting that an app had a 32-bit-only internal component when the app actually also had a 64-bit version of that component. So it’d mistakenly report that the app wouldn’t run on Catalina when it would, in fact, run.

This update also fixes a situation where, if you multi-selected a bunch of apps and revealed them in the Finder, Go64 would open a separate Finder window to show each application. Now it’ll just open whatever folders it needs to and highlight all of the selected apps that reside in that folder.

If you’ve already got Go64, just choose “Check for Updates” from its menu. If not, you can download it from the Go64 page. Go64 is free.

HistoryHound 2.1 searches your browser history for exact phrases

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

HistoryHound 2.1 is available, adding a new capability to our multi-browser search utility. You can now search for exact phrases in your browser history and bookmarks. By choosing the “Spotlight-style query” option and then including a phrase in quotes, you can search for it exactly rather than any combination of the words.

Note that if you’re an existing user, you’ll need to rebuild your search index before phrase-searching will work. Just open the Index Status window and click the “Rebuild Index” button.

Also in version 2.1, I’ve done a lot of under-the-hood work to improve the indexing process. In previous versions, there was a chance it’d miss a page under certain circumstances. That’s been fixed, as has the handling of indexing tasks that are cancelled or that run for longer than 10 minutes. Overall, things are much more robust in general. Oh, and there’s a fix for a crash when indexing Google Chrome bookmarks.

Full details and download links are on the HistoryHound Release page.