
HistoryHound Beta Testing is Complete

Please visit the HistoryHound Release page for information and download links.

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Reviews and Comments
Yay for history hound! Just yesterday I was dying because I needed this tool. It is too late for that website, but it won't happen again! Thanks for your humble, incredible software (with nice icons too!)
- Seth Raphael
Like all good programs, this makes one think 'Why did no-one think about that before?'.
- Steve Rickaby
The last time I saw a Mac app/utility that got me this excited was when Watson was released. I also would like to commend you on your ability to create thoroughly unique applications. You have never approached application development with a "me, too" attitude. If this app turns out to be anywhere as good as Default Folder (have been using it for years), you've got a real winner.
- S Ray Constantine
System Requirements
macOS 10.13 through 14.5
Runs natively on Intel & Apple Silicon
Supported browsers: Safari, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave, Arc, Orion, Opera, Vivaldi, NetNewsWire and URL Manager Pro

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